Helping you back to health

Hi, my name is Jared

I am the new physiotherapist at Whitley Bay Osteopathic Centre

I have just arrived in the North East, so I thought I would tell you a little about myself.

  1. I am from South Africa
  2. I love a cup of coffee in the morning
  3. I love sport, and I currently participate in running and hockey
  4. I have a sweet tooth
  5. And lastly, I love what I do, particularly rehabilitation!

I am a curious person by nature so I always find myself asking “why?”. Almost all the time. It does become tedious at times, but most of the time, it helps me navigate towards the answer. This is the approach I use in practice.

I developed a passion for rehabilitation through all my sporting injuries. I injured my hamstrings, quadriceps, ankles and shoulder playing hockey when I was much younger. Having been on the other side of the scenario, as a patient, I have also developed insight into how a patient thinks regarding rehabilitation and how a therapist should approach rehab. The art of investigating, tailoring a rehab program and treating all age groups, excites me.

Each patient is a person, not a condition or an injury. Each patient has potential to function better, and that is where my expertise comes in.

Book in to see me on a Wednesday or a Friday. Click here to Book.

See you soon!